1. All ads must follow the rules of us-lionhealth.com.
  2. Please don’t submit the same ad more than once.
  3. Avoid including phone numbers, email addresses, or website links in your ad’s title or description.
  4. Don’t promote any prohibited goods or services.
  5. us-lionhealth.com is a platform where users post their own ads about products and services. Users are responsible for making sure their ads meet both our website rules and US laws.

Ad Placement Rules

Posting ads on us-lionhealth.com follows our User Agreement. Violating these rules or receiving many complaints can lead to the removal of ads and possibly the blocking of accounts.

General Rules

  • Don’t post the same ad more than once, even if it’s in different cities or categories.
  • If you need to repost an ad, make sure to remove the old one first.
  • Remove ads immediately if the product is sold or the offer is no longer valid.
  • Don’t replace a product or service in an ad with another one. If you want to offer something different, create a new ad.
  • Only use one account.
  • Don’t advertise prohibited goods or services.
  • Only post ads for real and current offers.
  • Place ads in the correct category and make sure all details are accurate to avoid misleading visitors.
  • Avoid ads that promote questionable ways to make money, like “Send $10 and earn more.”
  • Ads should not contain inappropriate content or unauthorized use of logos and trademarks.
  • Ensure that the name in the ad matches reality and avoid including contact details in the “Name” field.
  • The ad description should not have contact information unless required by law.

Photo in Ad

  • Photos should match the ad’s title and description.
  • Don’t use images with watermarks or copyright protections without permission.


  • Prices must be in whole US dollars.
  • Only include the product’s or service’s price and mention any discounts or conditions in the ad description.
  • Don’t list prices in the ad title.


us-lionhealth.com can change these rules at any time. We don’t guarantee the accuracy of the information or the quality of the products or services advertised.